How to: Create custom console tasks


Console Tasks are available in the ITSM Analyst portal to execute custom actions (e.g. set the status of a selected IR to resolved)

This guide explains how to create such a console task that fits your needs.
You may also refer to the ITSM Portal Customization Guide.

Console tasks are written in JavaScript
If you are not familiar with JavaScript use the following link for an easy to learn tutorial

Create new Task

To create a new task, you must create a new .js file in wwwroot\lib\custom folder.
Use the following Code-snippet as a template for your new empty .js file:

(function () {
    'use strict';
    var app;
    try { app = angular.module('itsmPortal.analyst'); }
    catch (e) {
        // module not found, exit
    }['consoleTasks', '$q', '$templateCache', 'globalizeWrapper', '$stateParams', '$rootScope', '$http', '$templateRequest', 'localization', '$compile', '$state', '$timeout', '$sce', 'CurrentUserFactory', 'backend', 'formEvents', 'dialogUI', 'createTasks', 'messages',
        function (consoleTasks, $q, $templateCache, globalizeWrapper, $stateParams, $rootScope, $http, $templateRequest, localization, $compile, $state, $timeout, $sce, CurrentUserFactory, backend, formEvents, dialogUI, createTasks, messages) {
            //PUT YOUR TASKS HERE

You can now add multiple console tasks to your .js file by creating a console task object fore each task and register those tasks for specific classes (e.g. System.WorkItem.Incident).

the folder wwwroot\lib\custom does not exists by default. You are free to create the folder.

Create Console Task Object

Use the following function to create a new Console Task Object

var consoleTaskObj = consoleTasks.createConsoleTask(id, displayName, icon, consoleTask, checkCriteria);
Parameter Type Description
id string The task Id as string, no white spaces allowed
displayName string The Name appearing in the tasks-bar
icon string The css icon reference to be displayed in the tasks-bar (e.g. "mark-completed"). See the icon reference furhter below for available icons
consoleTask function The console Task itself. This function is called when clicking the corresponding task-button in the tasks-bar. function (objects, scope) { }.

The objects parameter contains all objects that are selected by the user. If the task got called from a form, this object contains just the object shown on the form. If the task got called from a list-view, the object holds all selected objects on that list.

The scope parameter contains the current scope and varies depending on where the taks got called from (form or list). Use scope.isForm to dtermine if the current scope is a form, or a list. Use scope.update(object) to update the current scope. (this will not commit any changes to the database until the user clicks the save button).
checkCriteria function The check criteria of the task. This function is called everytime you change the selected items in a list or open form of a ticket.
When this function returns "true" the task will be available in the tasks-bar, otherwise the task will be hidden.
function (objects, scope)

The objects parameter contains all objects that are selected.

The scope object contains the current scope.
Use scope.isForm to dtermine if the current scope is a form, or a view.

Register Console Task Object

Use the following function to register a previously created Console Task Object for a certain target class.

consoleTasks.registerConsoleTask(targetClass, consoleTaskObject);
Parameter Type Description
targetClass string Specifies the class for which the console task will be available (e.g. "System.WorkItem.Incident")
consoleTaskObject object The previously created console task object that shall be registered

If you wish to register your console task for multiple target classes you may call registerConsoleTask for each target class

Create an Action Log Entry

In some cases you may want to add an Action Log Entry to your Ticket after executing a Console Task (e.g. mail sent)
To do so, you'll need to fire a FormEvent as shown in the example below:
    "itxCreateActionLog", {
        type: "System.WorkItem.ActionLogEnum.TaskExecuted",
        title: "Hello World",
        description: "What a wonderfull day it is!"

This example will add an Action Log Entry with "Hello World" as Title and "What a woderfull day it is!" as content.


Out of the box Icons

The following Icons are available out of the box:

The css class definitions are done in wwwroot\lib\ui\themes\base\analyst\styles.css
The Icon-sprites can be found here: wwwroot\lib\ui\themes\base\images\sprite-tasks-16x16.png

Custom Icons

You may want to use another icon than one of those provided out of the box.
This section describes how to create and use a custom console task icon

  • Create the icon in the size 16x16 px (All data formats should work fine, I prefer .png)
  • Save the icon in wwwroot\lib\ui\themes\base\images\example.png
  • Create or edit the custom.css file in wwwroot\lib\ui\themes\base\analyst
  • Add the following css rules to your custom.css file:
.task-icon.example-icon {
  background-image: url('../images/example.png');

Done! You may now use your new icon in a console task by defining its icon as "example-icon".


Hello World

The following Example shows a custom console task that is only available if you open an incident request form.
When executing this task an alert-prompt with the content "Hello World" will be shown and "Hello World" will be attached to the incident request description

(function () {
    'use strict';
    var app;
    try { app = angular.module('itsmPortal.analyst'); }
    catch (e) {
        // module not found, exit
    }['consoleTasks', '$q', '$templateCache', 'globalizeWrapper', '$stateParams', '$rootScope', '$http', '$templateRequest', 'localization', '$compile', '$state', '$timeout', '$sce', 'CurrentUserFactory', 'backend', 'formEvents', 'dialogUI', 'createTasks', 'messages',
        function (consoleTasks, $q, $templateCache, globalizeWrapper, $stateParams, $rootScope, $http, $templateRequest, localization, $compile, $state, $timeout, $sce, CurrentUserFactory, backend, formEvents, dialogUI, createTasks, messages) {
            /************* BEGIN OF TASK ****************/
            //create console task object
            var taskHelloWorld = consoleTasks.createConsoleTask(
                "Hello World",
                //console task
                function (objects, scope){
                    var self = this;
                    var IRobject = objects[0];
                    alert("Hello World");
                    IRobject.Description.Value += "Hello World";
                //check criteria
                function (objects, scope) {
                    return scope.isForm;
            //register task
            consoleTasks.registerConsoleTask("System.WorkItem.Incident", taskHelloWorld);
            /************* END OF TASK ****************/